Responsibilities of Membership

Constitution and Associations Incorporation Act 2015

As Greenwood Village Playgroup is an Incorporated Association, all members are bound by the rules of the playgroup as defined in our CONSTITUTION and playgroup by-laws, as well as the Western Australian ASSOCIATIONS INCORPORATION ACT 2015.

Don't freak out though, in a nutshell all this means is that you have a role in ensuring that the association conducts itself in a way that is acceptable to you (i.e. it is run in a fair, democratic and financially accountable manner).

You can fulfil your membership obligations by:

  1. Attending the Annual General Meeting

  2. Voting in committee elections, and when special resolutions are proposed to members

  3. Reading the meeting minutes and raising any concerns you have with the management committee

It is also important to be aware that your contact details are available to other members of the playgroup if they are requested, as required under the Act. CLICK HERE for more details about this requirement from the Department of Commerce website.

As well, being a member of an Incorporated Association gives you some important rights (as set out in the Act), and you do not give up these rights by simply agreeing to our rules (should they be inconsistent with these rights). All members have the right to:


  • Inspect and copy the association's register of members (Section 53 of the Act)

  • Inspect and copy the association's rules (Section 35 of the Act)

  • Inspect and copy the association's record of office holders (Section 58 of the Act)

  • Receive a copy of the rules when they join the association (Section 36 of the Act)

Annual General Meeting

  • Attend the annual general meeting (Section 50 of the Act)

  • Have financial accounts showing the financial position of the association submitted to them at the annual general meeting (Tier 1 – Section 70 of the Act, Tier 2 – Section 73 of the Act, Tier 3 – Section 76 of the Act)

Special Resolutions

  • Have proper notice of and to attend any general meeting at which it is proposed to alter the association's rules (Sections 30 and 51 of the Act)

  • Have proper notice of and to attend any general meeting at which it is proposed to voluntarily cancel the association (Sections 51, 129 and 141 of the Act)

  • Have proper notice of and to attend any general meeting at which it is proposed to amalgamate the association with another group (Sections 51 and 102 of the Act)

Please also note, in some situations, it may be necessary for an association to suspend or even expel a member including a member of the management committee. Members may be expelled for a number of reasons such as serious criminal conduct, failing to comply with the rules of the association and bringing the association into disrepute. Expulsion is seen as a last resort, when all other options to resolve the problem have been exhausted. Details about the rules and processes regarding suspension or expulsion of membership can be found in the constitution (link at the top of the page).

Other Responsibilities

In addition to the constitutional obligations above, we ask that all members respect the responsibilities listed below to keep the playgroup running smoothly.


The keys to the centre are to be placed on the hook outside the main doors. The first aid box is located in the kitchen. Please ensure that all gates are closed after use and that duty reps supervise children outside at all times. The attendance register must be completed at the commencement of each session and is kept on the noticeboard by the kitchen.

In the event of a fire, the group leader should collect the keys and attendance register and blow the whistle to indicate the emergency. Please exit the building and meet in the shaded area near the swings. A roll call will be done by the Group Leader. When it is ascertained that everyone is out of the building and safe, please close the door.


Group Leaders are to conduct a Fire Drill and general review of safety procedures once each term. There is to be no smoking in the building or on the surrounding grounds.

Individual Member Responsibilities


It is expected that you will supervise and assist your child in the activity or game of their choice and follow them as they change activities.


Playgroups are popular and there are often waiting lists, so your regular attendance is encouraged. If you are unable to attend, please notify your group leader.

Session Roster

The rostered parent provides simple, inexpensive articles or things for the children to make up or do. There are lots of different resources in the storeroom, or if you have special requirements please let the Purchasing Officer know. If you have purchased something submit your receipts for reimbursement. A story, music or an activity outside with equipment will suffice.

Keys and Toilets

An allocated group member to collect the keys, open the building and commence setting up of equipment. At the end of the session they help clean up toys and basins. (Toilet paper kept in storeroom). Collect and return keys at the end of the session and return to the collection point.


One to two parents prepare the fruit (i.e. cuts them up for the children) and sets the table. At the end of the morning tea they clean up, wipe tables and do dishes, with the assistance of the tea person.


One parent brings milk, morning tea and tea towels for the parents. They help clear and wipe table, wash up and tidy kitchen area. Food scraps are to be put in the council bin at the end of the session. People on morning tea must bring their own tea towels to dry dishes.


A parent mixes up enough paint, sets up easels or arranges tables to paint on, sets up paper, brings aprons out and drying stands. At end of session, parents cleans up paints, stands, tables, painting pots, brushes and puts away.

Pack up

Sweep, vacuum the floor, tidy up toys and ensure home corner is neat and tidy. Other group members can assist as well. You are also the contact person should another person be unable to do their rostered task.


All three duty reps are to RAKE SAND PITS BEFORE CHILDREN PLAY OUTSIDE. These parents supervise children whilst other parents are completing their tasks inside.


All meetings are held at Calectasia Hall and commence at 8:00pm. General meetings are held on the third Monday of each term with follow-up Committee Meetings arranged as required.

Busy Bees

It is a COMPULSORY requirement of membership to attend one busy bee per year. There will be two dates to choose from that are decided at the first Committee meeting. Once your attendance is recorded you will be refunded your busy bee levy by crediting the next terms fees.


Whilst Playgroup facilities are provided for member families, occasional visitors are very welcome. A $2.00 fee is payable by all visitors to the group leader on the day. Visitors can attend a maximum of 2 pre-arranged sessions. Thereafter if they wish to continue attending, they are required to become a fully paid member. Please refer membership enquiries to the Enrolment Officer prior to them attending a session.

Group Responsibilities


  • Each session is responsible for cleaning and/or keeping tidy the hall. Please ensure your group leaves the hall, store rooms and shed in a neat state.

  • Sweep sand out of the shed as needed, whilst the toys are being played with.

  • Toys and equipment require regular cleaning and maintenance if our playgroup is to run smoothly, so if you see something that needs cleaning please do so, or if it is significant cleaning or maintenance, let the session leader know.

  • As courtesy to other members, please ensure all equipment and toys are put away in the right place.


Please READ your NEWSLETTERS as this is the best way for us to relay information to you. The communication file is way information can be imparted.

Getting Involved

Be prepared to be involved and try and attend meetings. Your contributions to the running of our Playgroup are very important.

Group Leaders

Each group is overseen by a member who volunteers for ONE term, and is responsible for:

  • attending the general meeting/s, making up the parent roster;

  • keeping membership records;

  • ensuring all equipment is put away correctly after each session and that the building is left in a respectable condition;

  • collecting and banking fees/other monies, relaying information each week and welcoming new members

For further information refer to the Group Leader File or contact the President.


It is recommended that the roster be made each term by the current Group Leader comprising of duties which are applicable to your session. The template roster is a suggestion only, your group may choose to rearrange them or delete as necessary. Please remember that 3 duty reps must be appointed for each session to supervise outside play.