About Us

Greenwood Village Playgroup was established in 1991 as a not-for-profit Incorporated Association. We are a member of Playgroup WA and are run by a voluntary management committee comprised of members who are elected at our Annual General Meeting, and we encourage members to participate where they can.

Our Playgroup provides a great space for families to meet and play with children of similar ages. We have a fully self-contained facility with kitchen, air-con, craft supplies and indoor & outdoor (shaded) play equipment.


Greenwood Village Playgroup is funded predominantly through membership fees with occasional fundraising drives. We have a constitution that governs how the playgroup operates. A copy of the constitution is available in the members area on the website.

Membership fees cover the costs of running the playgroup which includes general maintenance, new toys & repairing existing ones, arts and crafts, and tea/coffee for parents. It is also used to fund activities hosted by the playgroup such as our annual Christmas party.

Sessions are non-exclusive and are open to new members (both individuals and mother's groups) at any time during the year.

Playgroup involves attending a nominated 2 hour session with your child/children. The sessions are not structured, we provide the facilities and it is up to the parents in the group how they want to structure activities during the session. Our Playgroup sessions are for children from birth to school age.


Our aim is to provide you and your children with a safe, friendly and stimulating environment. We are committed to improving the playgroup facilities and will endeavour, through fundraising, to develop our indoor and outdoor areas.

Our playgroup is also committed to playing an important role in connecting and supporting the community. Ultimately we hope to achieve maximum enjoyment for all families attending playgroup.



  • A space where families can create their own locally based friends and social networks;

  • A place where parents and caregivers can support each other through sharing ideas, parenting experiences, concerns and information;

  • Build family capacity through peer support;

  • A place where families can build long-term friendships as their children grow and transition to school; and

  • An affordable and regular opportunities for families to enjoy a shared outing.


  • A safe and nurturing environment where children can play and learn;

  • Enhance healthy early brain development through play;

  • Opportunities for children to create, invent, reason and problem solve;

  • Opportunities to build attachment between adults and children as they play together, and share time and experiences;

  • Learn social skills as they negotiate with peers, resolve conflict, take turns, share and make friends; and

  • Build resilience to enable them to cope with new situations and manage stress and adapt to change.